Saturday 26 September 2015

English B Grade 11

Got a bit carried away with all the excitement in the last few weeks and then the holidays did not help either. I don't know how others do it. When I'm at home and I have the kids around I'd much rather spend time with them than work for school. An then there is the running and the reading...
Anyways, So today's English Class with the awesome Grade 11 will be still about Media and communication.
From the articles given to the students we have only discussed 2 (WikiLeaks and Markus Persson)

Students will have to give short summary of their text and then they have to state their own personal opinion about it. They will also have to submit the words they have chosen in the Google Form.
First vocab test to be based on these on Thursday (October 1)

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Day 10: English B (11)

Reading: Communication and media

Each student is given a text - Homework: give a 150-word summary, choose 10-15 words and phrases you'd like to remember

Day 10: History 11

Lesson 5:
Case Study 1:
Part 1: Political changes during the reconquista

Summary of the spark notes page - visualisation, finding questions

Students get a page from the book and have to produce a brief summary of it.

Using the sources in the google document students reasearch each source

By the end of the lesson studenst should be able to: 

- describe the key characters and events in the re-conquest of the Iberian peninsula until the fall (reconquest) of Granada (1492)
- explain the significance of the reconquista in laying the foundations for the Great Discoveries

Homework: Research handout 

Day 9: English B 12

We are going to look at vocabulary related to sports and leisure.
Students will also try some of the activities posted on Edmodo and choose 10-15 items of vocabulary they want to remember.

Describe your personal opinion about this statement:

"Work-life balance is a thing of the past - we must all do jobs which are also our hobbies"

Part of the class will be dedicated to discussing issues related to the Written assignments.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Day 8: English B (11): Literature 1

I am the messenger
We are going to look at a series of quotes from the book and discuss them as well as try to decipher some key information about the book from them.

Day 9: History 11

Part 1: Spain 711-1212: The Moors

Excellent summaries and great discussion about the period leading up to the first Case Study about the final stages of the Muslim occupation of Spain.

Well-researched, well-prepared presentations - students made an effort to understand the background and we can now move on to the next stage of the history of Spain and we are going to look at the actual case-study.

We are going to break it down to 5-hour chunks and discuss each aspect?

Monday 7 September 2015

Day 8: English B (12)

Today's double lesson will be dedicated to:
1) Finishing up on the topic: communication and media
2) Signing off on the rationales

Last lesson each student was given an article and they had to write a 150-word summary of it (i have doubts whether they have done this so the first part of the lesson (15 minutes) will be dedicated to them writing their summaries in Edmodo:
1) Who is the author and what is his/her intention?
2) Who is the audience?
3) What new information/knowledge have you acquired?
4) How successful is he/she in conveying his/her message?

Choose 10-15 key words/phrases from the text and put them on a poster.
These texts will be basis for the assessment of this topic.
Students will have to talk bout their articles for 3-5 minutes

In the second period students will share and discuss their rationales.