Monday 7 September 2015

Day 7: History (11&12)

Well this wan't much more success either.
I am coming to the point that I agree that their laziness is the main obstacle in their learning. Everything is out there and we should be having meaningful, interesting conversations about what they have found out but they seem to be less and less interested and the lessons are sinking in a general abyss of hopelessness and an occasional whimper about the exam.
I wonder how many of them will actually sign in to Edmodo and look at the stuff I have prepared for them.
I never claimed to be a History teacher but I have a life-long passion for the subject and I am willing to learn and this is all the students really need to acquire too. Interest but how do you teach someone interest!?
The attempt with grade 11 seem s to be quite promising. They have done serious work on the Moors and I am looking forward to finding out more about them.
In our class we will look into what happened, and some of the key characteristics and try to discuss some key questions.
(Class 11 started a bad habit of complaining about their grades, which I find ridiculous as these grades have no bearing on their final results so there is no point in whingeing about them. It's just a student thing.

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