Saturday 26 September 2015

English B Grade 11

Got a bit carried away with all the excitement in the last few weeks and then the holidays did not help either. I don't know how others do it. When I'm at home and I have the kids around I'd much rather spend time with them than work for school. An then there is the running and the reading...
Anyways, So today's English Class with the awesome Grade 11 will be still about Media and communication.
From the articles given to the students we have only discussed 2 (WikiLeaks and Markus Persson)

Students will have to give short summary of their text and then they have to state their own personal opinion about it. They will also have to submit the words they have chosen in the Google Form.
First vocab test to be based on these on Thursday (October 1)

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Day 10: English B (11)

Reading: Communication and media

Each student is given a text - Homework: give a 150-word summary, choose 10-15 words and phrases you'd like to remember

Day 10: History 11

Lesson 5:
Case Study 1:
Part 1: Political changes during the reconquista

Summary of the spark notes page - visualisation, finding questions

Students get a page from the book and have to produce a brief summary of it.

Using the sources in the google document students reasearch each source

By the end of the lesson studenst should be able to: 

- describe the key characters and events in the re-conquest of the Iberian peninsula until the fall (reconquest) of Granada (1492)
- explain the significance of the reconquista in laying the foundations for the Great Discoveries

Homework: Research handout 

Day 9: English B 12

We are going to look at vocabulary related to sports and leisure.
Students will also try some of the activities posted on Edmodo and choose 10-15 items of vocabulary they want to remember.

Describe your personal opinion about this statement:

"Work-life balance is a thing of the past - we must all do jobs which are also our hobbies"

Part of the class will be dedicated to discussing issues related to the Written assignments.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Day 8: English B (11): Literature 1

I am the messenger
We are going to look at a series of quotes from the book and discuss them as well as try to decipher some key information about the book from them.

Day 9: History 11

Part 1: Spain 711-1212: The Moors

Excellent summaries and great discussion about the period leading up to the first Case Study about the final stages of the Muslim occupation of Spain.

Well-researched, well-prepared presentations - students made an effort to understand the background and we can now move on to the next stage of the history of Spain and we are going to look at the actual case-study.

We are going to break it down to 5-hour chunks and discuss each aspect?

Monday 7 September 2015

Day 8: English B (12)

Today's double lesson will be dedicated to:
1) Finishing up on the topic: communication and media
2) Signing off on the rationales

Last lesson each student was given an article and they had to write a 150-word summary of it (i have doubts whether they have done this so the first part of the lesson (15 minutes) will be dedicated to them writing their summaries in Edmodo:
1) Who is the author and what is his/her intention?
2) Who is the audience?
3) What new information/knowledge have you acquired?
4) How successful is he/she in conveying his/her message?

Choose 10-15 key words/phrases from the text and put them on a poster.
These texts will be basis for the assessment of this topic.
Students will have to talk bout their articles for 3-5 minutes

In the second period students will share and discuss their rationales.

Day 8: TOK (11)

Students were asked to find a sentence or paragraph from a text about knowledge which they find interesting or important in in understanding what we are talking about.
In today's lesson they will share their sentences and and discuss them.
Next we shall look at some visualisations of knowledge and the knowledge society and discuss the historical development to today's society and the need for knowing about knowledge.

Day 7: History (11&12)

Well this wan't much more success either.
I am coming to the point that I agree that their laziness is the main obstacle in their learning. Everything is out there and we should be having meaningful, interesting conversations about what they have found out but they seem to be less and less interested and the lessons are sinking in a general abyss of hopelessness and an occasional whimper about the exam.
I wonder how many of them will actually sign in to Edmodo and look at the stuff I have prepared for them.
I never claimed to be a History teacher but I have a life-long passion for the subject and I am willing to learn and this is all the students really need to acquire too. Interest but how do you teach someone interest!?
The attempt with grade 11 seem s to be quite promising. They have done serious work on the Moors and I am looking forward to finding out more about them.
In our class we will look into what happened, and some of the key characteristics and try to discuss some key questions.
(Class 11 started a bad habit of complaining about their grades, which I find ridiculous as these grades have no bearing on their final results so there is no point in whingeing about them. It's just a student thing.

Day 7: TOK (12)

Didn't write down the plan this time because it was all laid out in the Edmodo classroom.
I thought I had put together a relatively comprehensive and interesting step-by-step guide to the TOK Presentation for grade 12. It didn't seem to work. I'm not sure there is anything that woks in this class at the moment.
Interesting - I sort f expected it to be more harmonious and effective the way we work together but we don't.
I don;t want to teach in the sense that I don't want to tell them what they need to think, I jyst need to help them find their thoughts - well that's not happening.
Introducing force and strictness - I don't believe in it and they know it and I couldn't consistently maintain it anyway.
We're only two weeks into the school year and I already feel like I'm losing my grounding and resolve and all my efforts seem to be wearing thin pretty fast.
I'm not sure where all this is leading.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Day 6: English B (12)

Communication and media
Lesson 5-6
Walk around the classroom and choose 1 of the articles posted on the wall. - 1st come first served

Read the article
Highlight 4-5 key sentences in the article
Write a short (150-word) summary of what you have read on the Edmodo classroom.

Prepare an oral response to what you have read and share your opinion with the others.

Choose 10 words you find important, useful, interesting, unique and write them on the board.

Day 6: English B 11

Lessons 4-5: Core topic 1: Communication and media
Following last Thursday's brainstorming session and discussion we are going to look at the 
vocabulary lists created for this unit and we are going to use these lists to prepare a short in-class group writing task.


Find the envelope with your name on it
Take out the slip of paper and try to remember as many of the 8/9 words and phrases as possible
Write them down in two columns: I'm sure I know what this means and I am not sure I know what this means
You can go back to your list as many times as you want to.

Use a dictionary to find out the meaning of the words you don't know

Write/find a sample sentence with each world/phrase

On your own
Look at a page from the British National Corpus fro the word "communication" read the sentences and try to decide what kind of text the sentence comes from:

- Written/spoken
- Formal/informal
- Non-fiction/fiction

Choose 1 of the examples and try to write the sentence before and after it (focus on the tone , jargon, etc)
Get into pairs and share and discuss your solutions, suggest better ones if you can

Writing task:
- Choose one of the examples of your classmates and write a short (150-word) response to it
-  Post your answers on the Edmodo classroom.

Day 5: English (9)

Lesson 2
Well, I didn't get round to writing this down before the lesson so the reflection is coming here together with a summary of what they were supposed to do.
We started with students' experience with working on the homework. It was very nice to see that many of them actually made it to the Edmodo classroom and posted their answers there.
In cl;ass they had to share the facts they had chosen and prepare a group poster (4s) and then talk about their posters and share the additional information.

They did quite well but I don't think they were engaged enough or there was enough for them to do.
This is something I seem to need to work much more on: designing tighter and more challenging lessons in order to make students realise what they are getting out of the classes.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Day 5: English B (11)

Lessons 2-3
In today's class we start with the first core topic: Communication and media.
In todya's lesson the main focus will be the meaning of the two words and their relationship.
We are also going to look at themes and topics that determine media and communication. We are going to focus on
- Communication
Look at the examples and try to guess the word. What is the function and meaning of the word in the different contexts

- Write a list of sentences with the word "media" how many different contexts and meanings could you list? Compare your list with your partner.

- Look at the different meaning of the word "media" from the OED. Did you have all of them?

- Tell us about the source you chose and explain to the others why you chose it and what aspect you found most interesting?

- We'll watch and discuss the exerpt from the Network.
- We'll develop a set of vocabulary related to and organised in a spider gram

- Homework: Write 250 words about ONE of the topics below:

a) The role of communication in human development
b) Human communication is far superior to the communication of animals.
c) We need the media to keep us informed about the world
d) Media is a means of mass manipulation
e) There is no more freedom of the press - Advertisers and owners are in charge of the media and they supress everything that is against their interests
f) The new media is much more rel;iable than the old media

I'm looking forward to this lesson I see a good chance of a lively and interesting discussion.

Day 4: English B 12

Revision: Topic 1:
Communication and media
Today's lesson is a revision of the topic: communication and media
We will collect as much vocabulary as possible and try use them in context.
I don't expect this to be particularly difficult but it's a good parctice for the students and gives them some focus.

We'll end up with a list of vocabulary we will be able to use and organise.
We'll see howe much cooperation I can get.....

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Day 4 English (9)

Done the planning for the whole year. I know when my exams are and how many vocab tests we are doing. I need to grab this class and get some work done this year. Sometimes I wonder why I have done this to myself but then admitting defeat is not my strong point.
I feel last year was a rteal disaster and I don't want that to be my lasting memory of this class.
I am excited to talk about Australia and I hope we can turn the otherwise really boring book into an interesting discovery of this fascinating country.

After discussing the yearly plan and the platforms we are using we will barinstorm about our existing knowledge about Australia - don't expect much but there may be a few interesting ideas.

The homework will be on Edmodo to get them used to it.

I am looking forward to woerking with this class again. Hopefully it will be a mutually better experience.